December 30, 2011
I was watching a documentary on Animal Planet recently titled ‘Monster Bug Wars’. I can’t say if the producers set up these fights (like they do with Wrestlemania) or if it was really nature doing its thing. But they paired the most unlikely insects and creepy crawlies against each other in fights which were often to the death. The one that really got my attention was between a spider and a bizarre looking specie of the cricket. The cricket was at least four times larger than the spider and was covered with a form of armor, spikes and all. But in the course of the fight it made a fatal mistake in a dive that landed it straight into the web of the spider.
I was rooting for the cricket so I was happy when I saw the web tear as the cricket struggled to free itself. But to my shock the spider, quick as a flash started to spin its web round the legs of the cricket, binding it tightly. When the legs where secured it got busy tying up the rest of the body.
My cricket was being mummified alive!!! To make a bad case worse the spider went straight for the cricket’s head and delivered the death bite and within seconds the cricket was dead. KO!. I got annoyed and changed the channel. Seriously I felt that bad. I really hate spiders that much and while I have no love for any kind of insect I believe in the saying that ‘THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS MY FRIEND’
Later I realized I had just viewed a graphic depiction of a vital battle principle, ‘NEVER FIGHT AN ENEMY IN HIS TERRAIN OR BY HIS RULES’ as much as you can stay away from it. Many battles are lost not by the size of the enemy’s artillery but because they knew their terrain well and most times formulated battle strategies round it (did you watch the movie 300?).
What am I really driving at? Well in the light of all the acts of terrorism in Nigeria resulting in the death of so many Christians some people are calling for organised reprisal attacks on the Muslim community.
It sure sucks to do nothing or to turn the other cheek, it really goes against our nature and basic instincts as humans. But I believe what the right thinking Christian who really desires God’s will to be done should be asking is ‘what is God saying?’ or at least ‘what has He said?’ in case we didn’t hear Him the last time. We need to ask this question because the major reason why the Christian has been made a target for slaughter in this country is our Faith not necessarily our tribe. If we hastily take up arms and return violence for violence are we willing to bear the cost on our souls?
The foundation of Islam is built on murder, hate and intolerance and it has a record through centuries of violence and bloodshed (remember the systematic elimination of the Armenian Christians in the then Ottoman Empire) it is still upgrading that record. The average Islamic fundamentalist/extremists has no qualms with taking life (his own or another’s). They are taught if this is done in the propagation of their course there would be great reward in the hereafter. How many true Christians can kill a pregnant woman, or decapitate a baby? Despite my outrage, the truth is I can’t, can you?
Knowing God’s end time plan for this nation we cannot afford for it to be Islamized or even thrown into anarchy and chaos through war. One war should have been enough to teach us an eternal lesson but obviously and sadly it has not. So what do we do?
Here’s what we must do. WE MUST PRAY. Let’s stop crying and raise our voices to heaven. This is the only way to get the decisive divine intervention we desperately need. Let’s pray for the nation and make decrees against those seeking to hand it over to satan on a platter. May they reap death and violence and may their children inherit it. Let’s pray for President Jonathan instead of cursing him. He is still a Christian president.
Let our bishops, ministers, priests and pastors call for prayer and ensure that it is done. Let’s face this monster, let’s cast out this devil. If there is a war there will be no time for harvests, or feasts, or masses and meetings or services or fancy messages on Sunday. If we keep silent things will go terribly wrong much more than we can conceive. it’s only a matter of time.
Bombing mosques will generate more hate which will generate more violence. Very few insects have fought a spider in its web and lived to tell the tale. Let’s be wiser. THE WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE ARE NOT CARNAL (physical) BUT MIGHTY THROUGH GOD…
The reason why Islam seems to be overrunning the world is because Christianity has been replaced in most countries and hearts by Hedonism. Men have become lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. But all this can change in the short while we still have on earth before Jesus comes. We alone can turn the tide for our nation. LET US PRAY!
(C) victoria ijeoma agomuo
I was rooting for the cricket so I was happy when I saw the web tear as the cricket struggled to free itself. But to my shock the spider, quick as a flash started to spin its web round the legs of the cricket, binding it tightly. When the legs where secured it got busy tying up the rest of the body.
My cricket was being mummified alive!!! To make a bad case worse the spider went straight for the cricket’s head and delivered the death bite and within seconds the cricket was dead. KO!. I got annoyed and changed the channel. Seriously I felt that bad. I really hate spiders that much and while I have no love for any kind of insect I believe in the saying that ‘THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS MY FRIEND’
Later I realized I had just viewed a graphic depiction of a vital battle principle, ‘NEVER FIGHT AN ENEMY IN HIS TERRAIN OR BY HIS RULES’ as much as you can stay away from it. Many battles are lost not by the size of the enemy’s artillery but because they knew their terrain well and most times formulated battle strategies round it (did you watch the movie 300?).
What am I really driving at? Well in the light of all the acts of terrorism in Nigeria resulting in the death of so many Christians some people are calling for organised reprisal attacks on the Muslim community.
It sure sucks to do nothing or to turn the other cheek, it really goes against our nature and basic instincts as humans. But I believe what the right thinking Christian who really desires God’s will to be done should be asking is ‘what is God saying?’ or at least ‘what has He said?’ in case we didn’t hear Him the last time. We need to ask this question because the major reason why the Christian has been made a target for slaughter in this country is our Faith not necessarily our tribe. If we hastily take up arms and return violence for violence are we willing to bear the cost on our souls?
The foundation of Islam is built on murder, hate and intolerance and it has a record through centuries of violence and bloodshed (remember the systematic elimination of the Armenian Christians in the then Ottoman Empire) it is still upgrading that record. The average Islamic fundamentalist/extremists has no qualms with taking life (his own or another’s). They are taught if this is done in the propagation of their course there would be great reward in the hereafter. How many true Christians can kill a pregnant woman, or decapitate a baby? Despite my outrage, the truth is I can’t, can you?
Knowing God’s end time plan for this nation we cannot afford for it to be Islamized or even thrown into anarchy and chaos through war. One war should have been enough to teach us an eternal lesson but obviously and sadly it has not. So what do we do?
Here’s what we must do. WE MUST PRAY. Let’s stop crying and raise our voices to heaven. This is the only way to get the decisive divine intervention we desperately need. Let’s pray for the nation and make decrees against those seeking to hand it over to satan on a platter. May they reap death and violence and may their children inherit it. Let’s pray for President Jonathan instead of cursing him. He is still a Christian president.
Let our bishops, ministers, priests and pastors call for prayer and ensure that it is done. Let’s face this monster, let’s cast out this devil. If there is a war there will be no time for harvests, or feasts, or masses and meetings or services or fancy messages on Sunday. If we keep silent things will go terribly wrong much more than we can conceive. it’s only a matter of time.
Bombing mosques will generate more hate which will generate more violence. Very few insects have fought a spider in its web and lived to tell the tale. Let’s be wiser. THE WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE ARE NOT CARNAL (physical) BUT MIGHTY THROUGH GOD…
The reason why Islam seems to be overrunning the world is because Christianity has been replaced in most countries and hearts by Hedonism. Men have become lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. But all this can change in the short while we still have on earth before Jesus comes. We alone can turn the tide for our nation. LET US PRAY!
(C) victoria ijeoma agomuo
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