
Showing posts from September, 2013


I am awakened by the sound of a trumpet blast; it’s unbelievably loud and seems to be coming from the skies. Everything in my house shakes at the force of it and I’m completely fascinated as I watch my body begin to float off the ground.                                                                                                  Wooooooooo! JESUS is here and I’m going to be with Him. I cry out in excitement. It’s not an out of body experience. It’s physical, yet spiritual. But just as I’m about to float through the roof I suddenly begin to descend back to ground. Disbelief gives way to shock of the worst kind as my feet gently touch the ground, then great fear as the realization of what has just happened hits me- I’VE BEEN LEFT BEHIND! I begin to cry. I cry as I have never cried before, I cry until I am sure I would die…but there is no death for me or for anyone today as I would soon find out. Through my sadness I know the truth. I know I couldn’t be raptured because o