I am awakened by the sound of a trumpet blast; it’s unbelievably loud and seems to be coming from the skies. Everything in my house shakes at the force of it and I’m completely fascinated as I watch my body begin to float off the ground.                                                                                                
Wooooooooo! JESUS is here and I’m going to be with Him. I cry out in excitement. It’s not an out of body experience. It’s physical, yet spiritual. But just as I’m about to float through the roof I suddenly begin to descend back to ground.
Disbelief gives way to shock of the worst kind as my feet gently touch the ground, then great fear as the realization of what has just happened hits me- I’VE BEEN LEFT BEHIND!
I begin to cry. I cry as I have never cried before, I cry until I am sure I would die…but there is no death for me or for anyone today as I would soon find out. Through my sadness I know the truth. I know I couldn’t be raptured because of the one weight and sin I refused to lay at His feet. I have lived like the mythical Janus- a two faced deceiver. I thought I was fooling everyone but the only one I ended up fooling was myself. I had been warned by my pastor and my conscience but somehow I didn’t listen.
I run outside. ‘Pandemonium’ is a small word to describe the hellish scene on the street. It’s like a scene from an apocalyptic movie. Everyone is crying or looks bewildered. Mothers are crying uncontrollably for their babies, arms on their heads searching through the streets and crowds for the lost. Some seem to have lost their minds completely as they move about aimlessly like zombies muttering to themselves. A young man throws himself into a burning vehicle and rushes out screaming, badly burnt but still alive. I watch as a young man leaps from the third floor of a building. He lays there on ground zero in a heap, broken up but still alive. The expression on every face said one thing - ’had I known!’ .The word is out…Jesus came back and He has taken His people.
I decide to get to church as fast as I can. If there is going to be any form of comfort it should come from my pastor. I run as fast as my legs can. When I finally get there it’s the same story. A young woman comes out barefoot, her face streaked with tears and her voice almost gone.  She cries out to me ‘Pastor is gone, his wife gone, my mentor gone’. I hear only the sound of wailing from the left behind in the church, not praise, not worship, not pastor’s voice declaring God’s word. The sound of the deepest regret.
 ‘Did I really expect to see my Pastor or his wife here?’ In my folly I felt since no one knew of the skeleton in my cupboard that I was safe. I had also believed everyone was doing the same thing I was doing in secret too. How terribly wrong I was.
All I have learnt and heard about the rapture and what life would be like after comes to my mind. The Holy Spirit, the one who has held the hordes of darkness from overrunning the earth is gone. Now man will feel directly the fierce anger of the dragon himself. Now the incarnation of the dragon, the anti-Christ is to be revealed. There is no more salvation as we know it, every redemption will come at the cost of a gruesome death. Oh! How could I know this much and still allow myself to be deceived.
I try calling my lover, the main reason I got left behind, the one thing I refused to let go of for Jesus. The phone lines are a mess.
I start walking home and I meet him on the way. He seems a little relieved to see me and I notice he doesn’t seem very perturbed. I run crying into his arms but there is no comfort in his voice or in his arms. ‘Rapture has taken place; the saints are gone with Jesus’ I whisper into his chest.
‘I know, but I don’t understand why He should leave us behind, are we not born again, I feel betrayed. I’ve just been wasting my time for years going to church’, he sounded angry and defiant.
I ignored his outburst, convinced it was only his pain and disappointment talking.
‘So what do we do next?’
‘I really don’t know’, he responds angrily.
‘I think we should get all the people left behind in church to come together, we can encourage each other to face the days ahead’, I suggest.
‘Hmmn! I’m not ready for that church nonsense again. Once beaten twice shy’.
‘Look the antichrist will soon come out, things are going to be very difficult for anyone who doesn’t dance to his tune or take the mark. We need each other now more than ever’, I cry.  
He pushes me away from him and screams, ‘Look at you playing church, are you not tired? So why weren’t you raptured, idiot? Your Pastor is gone , now you want to take his position. Listen to me I have no intention of suffering for any God that betrayed me. I’m going out there to have the fun I’ve not had in a long time, Just because I tried to act like a Christian, you can stay here and play church!’ and with that he stumps off.
I watch his back as he marches off. I can’t believe the class of a fool I have been. I can’t believe this was the same man I had been dating, the same man who whispered so many ‘I love you’s to me and assured me that what we were doing was not wrong because something wrong shouldn’t feel so good, and that he loved me so much and was going to marry me no matter what. The same man that made me rebel against my mentor’s instruction. Am I not the Queen of all fools, a Fool of fools?
It’s the longest walk home. People are slowly calming down and have started bringing out their television sets outside to create hundreds of viewing centres. Crowds gather to listen to news updates from around the world. CNN, BBC and other stations are trying hard to explain it all away. Mass Alien abduction! Mysterious disappearances! Spontaneous combustion! They point in every direction but the truth.
Then an emergency broadcast is announced and all the stations hook into it. An extremely handsome and charismatic looking Caucasian appears on the screens and begins to speak.
I draw closer to see, convinced in my heart that I am now seeing the face of the devil. This is the incarnation of the dragon – the anti-Christ himself, no doubt. So this is the archenemy of Jehovah, the God of Israel. Every man and woman watched taken completely by his looks and the aura around him. The great tribulation has commenced.
He commands all to be calm and to go about their normal business and declares an EMERGENCY ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT to enable nations cope with the impact of the present crisis. He calls to young men and women to sign into THE ONE WORLD POLICE AND MILITARY FORCES and says it’s the noble thing to do. He stresses a lot on peace and harmony and insists that the only way to prevent anarchy and lawlessness and provide security and progress is for all to walk into designated stations in their locality and receive a mark for easy identification and accountability. Failure to obtain this mark will be regarded as treason and an act of terrorism against the state punishable by death.
Just as he begins to address the crisis between Israel and the Middle East I walk away, staggering at the impact of the present reality. People already have started believing in him and soon enough this harmless looking crowd and others around the world will be controlled by a mob mentality so strong that the streets will turn red with blood.
I recall what the scriptures say that if those days where not shortened no soul will escape it. I walk into my flat and shut the doors and windows. I sit on my bed and brace myself for the worst.
As the night quickly draws near Christ is appearing to many in dreams ,visions and revelations to warn those who will listen and obey, pastors are working extra hard to get their flock in shape. The over 2,000 years promise is closer to being fulfilled now more than we can imagine. God is not a liar or a great procrastinator as many suppose. But because His nature is love He desires that as many as possible are saved and become rapturable.                                                                                                  Are you born again? Have you been washed by the blood of the lamb? You must make Jesus the Lord of your life to be raptured. Are you living in any kind of sin or immorality? If you are living in sin, bitterness or unforgiveness, you cannot be raptured.
PLEASE SAY THESE WORDS TO RECEIVE THE FREE GIFT OF SALVATION.                                                                                                                
 Dear God, I come to you in the name of Jesus. You said as many as come to You, You will not cast out and I come by faith.  I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I’m sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness. I believe that Your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sins. I confess Jesus as the Lord of my Life. I accept Him as my personal saviour. Lord transform my life by the power of your Spirit so that I may bring glory and honour to You.Thank You for accepting me. In Jesus name. AMEN.
For further reading on the subject of rapture and the great tribulation.                                                     
 2Pet 3:9, Matt 24:40, 1Cor 15:51, 1Thess 4:15, 2Thess 2:1, Rev 13:16.


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