Dear Friend, I’ve been trying so hard to suppress the urge to write you since you refused to reply my last mail (what’s up with you anyway?). But I guess that’s where I’ve always been weak, I can’t stand suspense, it gives me enormous headaches.How are you treating life? I've been seeing all your smiley selfies and happy Facebook posts . You look like you’re always having a great time. The first letter I wrote was to let you know that I've finally found love but in the strangest places. I found love at a place called Calvary and in a man nailed to a bloodied and coarsely made cross. It was a very deep and profound experience for me. That day something opened up on the inside of me as all the walls I had carefully built up came crumbling down. I realized that this is the man I’ve been looking for all my life.This is the man I wanted to sing about, follow and serve all my life, this is the man I wanted to lavish all my love on. Friend,it dawned on me for the first time ...