Dear Friend,
I’ve been trying so hard to suppress the urge to write you since you refused to reply my last mail (what’s up with you anyway?). But I guess that’s where I’ve always been weak, I can’t stand suspense, it gives me enormous headaches.How are you treating life? I've been seeing all your smiley
selfies and happy Facebook
posts . You look like you’re always having a great time.
The first letter I wrote was to let you know that I've finally
found love but in the strangest places. I found love at a place called
Calvary and in a man nailed to a bloodied and coarsely made cross. It was a very deep and profound experience for me. That day something opened up on the inside of me as all the walls I had carefully built up came crumbling down.
I realized that this is the man I’ve been looking for all my life.This is the man I wanted to sing about, follow and serve all my life, this is the man I wanted to lavish all my love on. Friend,it dawned on me for the first time how hungry for the real thing I've always been and how careless I'd been. I had weaved my life into a very complicated web and
I was trapped inside thinking I was home and happy.
That very day He called me by my name and said to me, ‘I
NOW YOU ARE FREE'. My heart broke. The song "Amazing grace how sweet
the sound" kept playing in my heart and i finally understood
the meaning. Then He asked me, ‘WILL YOU BE MINE?’ I looked into those eyes that have been described as wells of liquid love and I opened up my heart
I finally let Him in. Oh! What indescribable joy that rushed in and filled my world.
Friend before this experience I’ve never known Jesus Christ. I grew up hearing about Him and about all His works but I never really
gave Him a chance to reveal Himself to me. I sensed Him reaching out for me but every single time
I always lost Him in all the falsecrazystupid excitement of youth. I was greatly humbled when I realized that all the years when I studiously
ignored Him He was waiting patiently and never gave up
believing that I’ll one
day be with Him. I cried so much I was scared my heart
would fall out of my
mouth. I saw myself as I really was, prancing about doing whatever felt right
at the time not even knowing really why I was still alive.
Friend, I died that day and something, someone rose up in me that I’d never met or known before - a new born child, pure, sanctified, and forgiven.
It was me - the real me.
I’m sure you think you know me but I don’t think you do
anymore. I am changed.
Completely, irrevocably changed and every day of my life is such a blessing because it's one more day spent discovering the dimensions of His love.
Lately I find myself thinking so much about you. The thoughts
are always there and yes
it’s enough to scare me. It’s a nagging feeling on my mind
somewhat like a little child urgently tugging
his mother's dress for attention. I was thinking if I had only 5
minutes left out of life what would
I tell you. I thought of calling but I wasn't sure the words
would come out right
so I decided I’ll just write you another letter.
There’s something you need to know, LIFE MAKES NO SENSE WITHOUT JESUS.
I trully pray you find what I’ve found because there’s
absolutely nothing better.
Believe it or not you owe me two replies. Reply or you are no longer my friend (just kidding).
May God keep you this year.
(c) By Victoria Ijeoma Agomuo


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