I flinched inwardly when I first read James 4:4 some years back. Those words didn’t appeal to my flesh and I wondered why the use of strong language. Why would God view worldliness akin to adultery? That scripture bothered me because I knew I was guilty. I was saved but I still carried over the world. I had a love affair with music and didn’t think it was possible to restrict myself to only the gospel genre. I had a love affair with movies; my appetite for it was insatiable. My knowledge of movies transcended knowing the plot to knowing the actors personal details. I loved my novels with a passion and couldn’t imagine my life without Stephen King, Dean Koontz and a host of others. I read the good , the bad and the ugly without restrictions. However I sensed in my guts a call for a deeper walk and oneness with God. That call demanded that I shed every form of worldliness in my soul. God made it clear to me that sanctification was not just setting my spirit and body apart to Him in purity but also ensuring that my mind, intellect, will and emotions  where  free for Him to use. He demanded for the very things I loved doing and I wasn’t exactly excited about it.

The apostles wrote the words in James 4:4 exactly how the Holy Spirit wanted it to be written. When we love the world, admire the lifestyle of those who don’t walk with God and crave for the things of the world we become unfaithful to our husband and redeemer, God. When Christians compromise godly values in order to be more appealing to the generality we become adulterers because we have become unfaithful.

With time and a lot of learning I have realized that there is so much more to the things we see daily than meets the eye. From childhood the devil through the world of entertainment seek to program us to be rebellious to God and to love SELF and the pleasuring of it more than God. Have you ever wondered why the average person suddenly becomes a consummate actor when it comes to acting the evil part? Evil is constantly glamorised through entertainment.
The entertainment industry and its message represents the core ideology that the world system operates on. And we have slavishly followed satanic trends without realising the harm we have done to our souls. Sometime ago, vampires and witches where portrayed as restricted to nightly operations, (e.g. Nosferatu, Dracula etc.)  Then they moved on to producing movies that portrayed the horrific possibilities of vampires and witches that had no fear of the sun (Blade). This is a perfect cover for its non-fictitious parallel, the agents of the kingdom of darkness. The real evil among us are the beret wearing vampires and warlocks sitting on the director’s stool shouting “cut!” through the hornbill. They are the designer wearing laptop wielding vampires sitting as CEO’s, ED’s of large conglomerates. The grand high witches are not flying around on broom sticks, they are the half-naked vocal powerhouses- starlets prancing and writhing obscenely on bright and noisy stages seducing the crowd into hell below. They are the media moguls, presidents, first ladies, actors and actresses steeped in occultism, people we ignorantly rooted for, voted for and applauded to. They dictate the direction of music, fashion, food consumption, the sciences, the media, the social media, entertainment, children’s entertainment, politics, government, religion. There’s hardly any sector of man’s daily existence that hasn’t been taken over.

The scripture said, ‘Little children, it is the last hour. Just as you heard that an antichrist is coming, so now MANY ANTICHRISTS have appeared. This is how we know it is the last hour’. Brothers and sisters, the mystery of iniquity has been at work from the moment the Jewish priests who ordered that the Roman soldiers that guarded the tomb of Christ lie that Jesus did not rise from the dead. But the fact remains that Jesus Christ is alive and the twelve men he left behind shook and took the world in their lifetime. Paul wrote about this mystery in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 and informed us that it was already at work and was only being restrained by the Spirit of God. He wrote these words almost two thousand years ago.
As Christ came and even history has proven it, so also the Anti-Christ will come and he will be the antithesis of Christ. The devil and his minions in the entertainment industry have been busy through the ages setting the stage for his scion; I’m talking about overtime, no holidays, no vacation, no sleeping or taking a nap kind of busy. They’ve been busy for centuries setting up a system that will usher in the antichrist and make him acceptable by the majority of people and nations.

The world system has been designed to churn out dysfunctional people from dysfunctional homes as the number of divorces skyrocket. Children, Men and women are being programmed daily through entertainment to permit sin. Abortion is sponsored by the government, so today you can shout your abortions. The term ‘coming out of the closet’ has become cliché since the SCOTUS and other courts all over the world have legalized homosexuality. The use of Marijuana has been legalized in many countries. Atheism is the fastest growing religion (religion?). Bestiality, incest and all manner of abominations are all queuing up legalisation too. Iniquity has been institutionalised.
‘Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world’ 1 john 2:15- 16..
Rid yourself of every form of worldliness for friendship with the world automatically make you an enemy of God. Worldliness will choke out the life of God from you; it will rob you of God’s presence and the anointing. It will erode your values, make you unfit for the rapture and ultimately, if not checked send a believer to hell.


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