
Showing posts from September, 2017


Now this is a bit odd but  when I think of the love walk  the figure that comes to my mind is the striding man logo and the 'Keep walking' campaign of a certain brand. The  love walk is what it is...a walk, a daily walk. It becomes immaterial that I walked  yesterday or last year if I'm not walking today and I don't plan to walk tomorrow. You never stop walking. You walk when its convienent and when it's not. You walk when you're appreciated and when you are despised and rejected. You walk in the rain, under the blazing sun and in the hurricane winds because love is a nature. We who are in Christ have it within all of us and it can weather any storm. '...Because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us'.  Romans 5: 5 . LEARNING TO WALK. I have a month old baby who is being cuddled and carried about right now. However there is no doubt in my heart that when the time is right he will walk, just like his 3


Have you ever heard of the word 'Cephalophore'. Ok lets go back to those ancient and medieval times when preaching the gospel or going against the institutionalized churches had the grim penalty of a beheading. History has it that some of these ancient mystics (some of them women) would stand up pick up their heads and walk away and give themselves a proper burial. Kind of reminds you of the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow, right?  Apostle Paul is famed to be one of them. His decapitated head was said to have said the name of Jesus Christ up to thirty times before it fell silent, never to preach about that name on earth again. These are men and women who operated on a mystic level that was unbelievable. Some of them willingly gave themselves to be burnt  and flayed as if it was some kind of fun game. Hebrews 11 spoke of these class of people, ''and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:And others had trial