Now this is a bit odd but  when I think of the love walk  the figure that comes to my mind is the striding man logo and the 'Keep walking' campaign of a certain brand. The  love walk is what it is...a walk, a daily walk. It becomes immaterial that I walked  yesterday or last year if I'm not walking today and I don't plan to walk tomorrow. You never stop walking.
You walk when its convienent and when it's not. You walk when you're appreciated and when you are despised and rejected. You walk in the rain, under the blazing sun and in the hurricane winds because love is a nature. We who are in Christ have it within all of us and it can weather any storm. '...Because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us'.  Romans 5: 5 .
I have a month old baby who is being cuddled and carried about right now. However there is no doubt in my heart that when the time is right he will walk, just like his 3 big sisters. Feral children will crawl on all fours or climb and swing on trees depending on the animals that adopted them. That goes to say we often imitate those who parent or mentor us. This seems to be the reality because that is all we've ever known or observed. But the truth is encoded in our spiritual genes, the love nature of God we have inherited through the regenerative work of the Holy Spirit.
It's sad and I know you might term this a fallacy of hasty conclusion but I've observed (without mentioning names) members of certain churches who don't ever seem to get along with anybody in the body of Christ. Not even with themselves. This seems to be the common denominator. When you see them you just know them by their highly intolerant attitude and critical spirit.
I was in a bus and I sat close to one. Initially I was wondering why he kept looking me over with this angry look on his face and kept shifting away to ensure there was no physical contact between us ( which is almost impossible in our buses) . Finally he got up to preach and all he did was shoot at everyone in sight with words . He threatened  prostrate, breast and cervical cancer on fornicators. He sent me to hell like 16 times for wearing makeup and trousers. The atmosphere in the bus was so frightfully tense I genuinely feared for his life.
When he was done he mentioned the name of his church and it all made sense. He was preaching exactly like the GO of the church.
Please I'm all for honoring men of God and the whole 'follow me as I follow Christ' thingy, but christians ought to be able to identify when their pastors and teachers are out of line and out of love. Follow, but don't follow slavishly ...YOU ARE A SON NOT SLAVE OR A BASTARD! .We may not all have the same beliefs and convictions but we don't have to be acidic and down right mean spirited about it.
When people walk into our churches most come because they crave that love and acceptance that Christ is known for but often they leave disappointed . I've often heard people complain, I was in that church for almost a year and no one spoke to me.
Love that is only shown when all is well is love that has not been tested and proven and therefore has no value. Jonathan loved David with his life, even when it was not convienient, even at the risk of loosing the throne ( he was heir apparent). He stood for what was right even though it didn't exactly favour him.
Crisis is the crucible that tests our love life. Unfortunately most of us fail woefully at such times. I've had my fair share of failures too but glory to God its a walk...and i'm still bent on taking that walk. Not doing so will lead to atrophy and nobody wants that.
We will be shocked when we get to heaven. There's no room for the mean spirited and unforgiving in there. The only abode for such darkness is hell fire and you and I will make a decision not to go there or even be at the risk of going there. God is not a respecter of persons. What we are on earth and who men deem us to be becomes irrelevant in the fire of His eyes.
Anyone can love the loveable but it takes God ability to love the unloveable. Love is not selective rather it is inclusive. Love the weak, love rhe strong, Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8
Loving doesn't make us weak, it makes us superhuman.


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