I flinched inwardly when I first read James 4:4 some years back. Those words didn’t appeal to my flesh and I wondered why the use of strong language. Why would God view worldliness akin to adultery? That scripture bothered me because I knew I was guilty. I was saved but I still carried over the world. I had a love affair with music and didn’t think it was possible to restrict myself to only the gospel genre. I had a love affair with movies; my appetite for it was insatiable. My knowledge of movies transcended knowing the plot to knowing the actors personal details. I loved my novels with a passion and couldn’t imagine my life without Stephen King, Dean Koontz and a host of others. I read the good , the bad and the ugly without restrictions. However I sensed in my guts a call for a deeper walk and oneness with God. That call demanded that I shed every form of worldliness in my soul. God made it clear to me that sanctification was not just setting my spirit and body apa...