
Showing posts from 2015


I flinched inwardly when I first read James 4:4 some years back. Those words didn’t appeal to my flesh and I wondered why the use of strong language. Why would God view worldliness akin to adultery? That scripture bothered me because I knew I was guilty. I was saved but I still carried over the world. I had a love affair with music and didn’t think it was possible to restrict myself to only the gospel genre. I had a love affair with movies; my appetite for it was insatiable. My knowledge of movies transcended knowing the plot to knowing the actors personal details. I loved my novels with a passion and couldn’t imagine my life without Stephen King, Dean Koontz and a host of others. I read the good , the bad and the ugly without restrictions. However I sensed in my guts a call for a deeper walk and oneness with God. That call demanded that I shed every form of worldliness in my soul. God made it clear to me that sanctification was not just setting my spirit and body apart to Him in puri


Dear Friend, I’ve been trying so hard to suppress the urge to write you since you refused to reply my last mail (what’s up with you anyway?). But I guess that’s where I’ve always been weak, I can’t stand suspense, it gives me enormous headaches.How are you treating life? I've been seeing all your smiley selfies and happy Facebook posts . You look like you’re always having a great time. The first letter I wrote was to let you know that I've finally found love but in the strangest places. I found love at a place called Calvary and in a man nailed to a bloodied and coarsely made cross. It was a very deep and profound experience for me. That day something opened up on the inside of me as all the walls I had carefully built up came crumbling down. I realized that this is the man I’ve been looking for all my life.This is the man I wanted to sing about, follow and serve all my life, this is the man I wanted to lavish all my love on. Friend,it dawned on me for the first time

Battle for the soul of a nation.

Good morning brothers and sisters in Christ. I wish to introduce you to a man called Richard Wurmbrand. I read his book TORTURED FOR CHRIST as a teenager and last year I was inspired to order a copy of it online which I did. I reread it and I was stunned at the power and the message contained in the book. There are so many things in this book that I believe are relevant to the church in Nigeria today considering the political and ethno-religious climate. Please take out time and read it atleast for historical reference. Let me give you a short bio of this great Saint and then a striking excerpt from his book. Richard Wurmbrand stood alone among more than 1,000 leaders to denounce the control of Romanian communism. The communists had closed Sunday schools and oppressed the church. Pastor Wurmbrand resisted the communists’ control of the church and went underground. For many such acts of aggressive love, he and his wife both went to prison. By the time he came out he had lost everything