Believe me or not I'm not trying to be controversial. I know some people will be outraged at my opinion but...well...it doesn't matter!
Feminism has nothing to offer me so I have no interest in it. The same way bird watching or lets say philately has never captured my attention because I believe they add nothing to me in any way.
Any ideology that doesn't make me a bit more like Jesus  or make me believe there is something worth loving in others or make me treat others the way I would want them to treat me is a complete waste of time.

We live in a dog eat dog world so why are we hell bent on making things so complicated. The average man thinks women are having it too easy, they think our lives are just about our makeup and heels and looking pretty and having them pay all the bills.Women on the other hand think men are masochist who are running the world to hell. Can't we all just get along?
The one that annoys me most is when these feminist bring God into the matter.
'Eh why didn't Jesus have a woman among His twelve ,he must have been a sexist ' hian! Sister biko recieve a little sense kwanu.

I love Jesus but if I was alive during His time and I saw Him approaching me and telling me 'O Ijeoma daughter of Onozie, wife of Godswill bn Agomuo, follow me and I will make you fishers of men' . I'm pretty sure my response would be
'Rabbi, your hand maiden has 3 children and my husband ,Gwill bn Agomuo is still interested in having more, how shall these things be'
Then if He says, ' o ye of little faith, with man it is impossible but with God all things are possible' I would probably answer
'Very well my good Lord let me pack my bags and follow thee' then He would probably say
' birds have nests, foxes have holes but the Son of man have no where to lay His head' my response would be

I would probably eye his disciples over suspiciously noting that most of them have a very fishy fishemen smell.
Of course I'm just kidding.
But truth is being among Jesus' core 12 meant camping outside, being on the road most times, being in a boat on stormy seas by ungodly hours,hiking up and down mountains. Sounds like adventure but does that sound like the ideal life for a woman.
I guess that might be possible now that we have ladies who will go all out to prove they can be just as macho as guys. 

Jesus had lots of female disciples but He also gave them  the opportunity to care for their homes, and do stuff that those in His 12 wouldn't be able to do. He spared us women from the harshness of following Him every where he went and the scandal that would have ensued.
Imagine Mary Magdalene among His 12 or the woman caught in the very act ( yes I'm thinking what your thinking).

Ladies, We can be Jesus's disciple from any where. We can serve Him from our homes, from school, marketplace and still be as valued and as precious in His sight. We don't need feminism to give us worth, we are already worthy and wonderful .
