If God calls you to do something just do it! Forget if people notice and applaude or not. Eventually whatever is born (originates) of God overcomes the world. Soon people will wonder why they failed to notice such a gift.
Don't consult your past, don't ever say 'but I'm prone to goofing things up' remember that He who called you is faithful. He will do it Himself but it will be on record that He used you to do it.
Don't be intimidated by the giants that are already there. All giants started as babies too. If you persevere in obedience one day you too will become a giant.
Stop struggling with people's impressions and perceptions about you. People hardly know how to stay in there lane so just ignore the whisperings and the mockery, real or percieved. Look into those perfect eyes of Jesus and you will see a perfect reflection of you.
You don't have to tell everyone of the vision given to you by God. It will amaze you that some people you are pretty sure will agree with you and support you are the ones who will water everything down, then some are like Rogue in Xmen, they'll absorb and sometimes delete the memory of the vision,  drain you of all physical and spiritual  strength just by association.
Stay away from competition. Remember like that old children's song, 'God wants your best and not your better than'. For... they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
Don't worry too much if they don't understand what you're doing and you know people will always talk down on what they don't understand. Guess what! They don't need your explanation keep your eyes on Jesus and get it done. Wisdom is justified of her children...people will come around. Trust me they always do.
Stay away from the slippery river banks of sin. If you hang out their long enough, I assure you you will fall in. Let your garments be white and your head lack no oil. God needs you sanctified, the devil wants you 'filthified'. The path of righteousness is the only path where you are guaranteed to encounter God and ultimate long lasting success. 'But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light...'
Have a large heart, love people regardless of themselves, be quick to compliment the smallest success of others, work hard , outdo yourself, stay humble, celebrate others, serve others....see you at the top!
