Personal interest and not imagination rules the world. Personal interest can launch a thousand battleships, drive mankind to the extremes,blind us to the needs of others, and blur the distinct lines between good and evil. Only those who exist for something, a divine course outside and beyond themselves will seek truth, know the truth and accept it at all costs and then live for it. These are the few true heroes who walk among us.

We all pay homage to God's word and declare it as the divine standard. But when it conflicts with our personal interests we begin to prove that we are masters in the art of manipulation and subversion. When truth is hidden behind the mask of interpretation our personal interests always wins.

You discover personal interest behind the veil of moral, spiritual compromise and the plethora of false doctrines flooding the church, I am of the opinion that no doctrine contrary to God's word will be propounded, peddled or accepted if it does not profit someone or a group of persons personally in some perverse way. You will discover personal interest behind the neglect of the law of divine love. Why should I show my enemy love when it will make me look weak and spineless. Don't you know that in religion appearance is everything?. Why would Jesus ask me to turn the other cheek or to offer my cloak , does Christ even know what He is talking about? The hatred and madness, the betrayal and politiking that has plagued the church , all has it root in personal interest. 'For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's'.  Philipians 2:21

If we acquiesce in the face of the rot that has plundered the church we are just as guilty and as ignorant as the ostrich that hides its head under the sand in the face of challenges. We should at least be rending our hearts continually before the Lord and seeking His mercy instead of the pretence that all is good and right. When guilt is apportioned we will get a share almost as chunky as those who activily and virulently played a role . It takes courage to tell the truth, it takes even more courage to act on the truth at the risk of being tagged, maligned and stoned by brethren.

Humans as a rule will flow in the direction of their personal interests. Sometimes they will mask it as altruism , for us christians as kingdom advancement but God searches the hearts and weighs the spirits. He cannot be decieved and He will never accept a polluted offering. And that is what personal interest does, it pollutes everything it touches.

It worries me that there is no more fear of God and christians have 'turned the grace of our God into uncontrollable lust and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus the Messiah. Jude 1:4. Believers from pulpit to pew will often preach less of or completely nothing of  any truth that conflicts with their personal lifestyle. Some will tell boldfaced lies inorder to advance an impression. Why tell the truth when a lie is more convenient?. Is lying no longer a sin? But then again personal interests is god of most, and anything , any virtue can and will be sacrificed on its unholy altar .

Looking into the law of perfect liberty you discover a truth, that God is no respecter of persons. There are no exceptions to the principles clearly listed out in His word. No man is exempted from it. That is why the closer we draw to Him the more careful , the more diligent to obey His will we should become. The nearer we draw into His love and trust the more quieter and the more terrified we should be at His gaze. God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about Him. Psalm 89:7

Sin is sin , and God's hatred for it is so profound and so complete that we should never make a toy of it no matter how important we esteem ourselves to Him. Jesus said ,  'And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell fire'. Matthew 18:9 . Never allow personal interest get in the way of our doing what is right.  God help us, God help me. 'To man He said, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom. To depart from evil is understanding.’ Job 28:28


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