It happened about 14 or more years ago somewhere at Mbari Street, Owerri. I alighted from  an Okada and for some reason we disagreed over the fare. The details are all blurry now. Really I can't even recall the exact details but one thing I can never forget is the pure hatred that emanated from him as I gently tried to explain that he was mistaken. The curses that he spewed out of his lips without any real provocation shocked me. He didn't curse me in the name of Amadioha, or Arunsi He cursed me in the name of Jesus Christ. It then dawned on me that he was a believer just like me.

After so many years I still remember my shock. You see people can forget everything but they'll never forget how you made them feel.
I stared at him in disbelief. He actually believed God would curse me because I annoyed him. I just shook my head and walked away. Well, after 14 years you all can see how effective his curses where on My life.

Does a fountain bring out at the same place sweet water and bitter? It was obvious this fountain had been polluted. God doesn't punish or throw people away just because you don't like them or you don't get along with them. He is far above such idiosyncrasies. If we get that, life will be more sweeter and we'll be more tolerant of each other. His ways are much higher than our ways.

Initially I blamed it on whoever his pastor was because over time I realized that people will copy anything they observe their leader do most times without reflecting or passing it through the word of God.But with time I realized that we are all personally responsible for our actions. No matter the external influence, the truth of the matter is that it is our choice to conform or not.

We all have access to the same word and instructions from the bible, if we choose to go against the Law of love there is no vicarious liability, we become personally liable.

It saddens my heart each time I am treated less than I know I should be treated just because  I am of a different christian denomination. But everytime I want to have my way and purchase my own vengeance I keep remembering what I have been taught,
'We are bound by covenant' not with the blood of our various General Overseers but by the blood of Jesus.

Since I started to give attention to the love walk I have had superb experiences. Through out the duration of my pregnancy when the people I had shared so much in common with abandoned me for reasons they felt justified their actions , members of  other denominatiins bombarded me with love and care. To them I was not anathema, I was a sister. I have given love and I have recieved it, sometimes from almost total strangers.

A Deeper life pastor called me every single month until I delivered. He called to pray for me and just to ask how I'm doing and  remind me that I was being prayed for.

Another pastor I know from Holiness Evangelical would let me use his church any time I wanted time to retreat. He would just drop the keys and walk away.

A lady from Just Jesus Assembly had issues with her health and I 'loaned' her my housekeeper for a day while she rested. I truly felt fufilled.

When I found out my Gynecologist  is a believer and a member of  House on the Rock I was super excited and I noticed from them on I got extra attention.

I paid my kids school proprietress a visit in her office and I made the mistake of complaining about the economy...she charged at me with words of faith and encouragement. Her eyes where fire as she gave me scriptures I knew but saw in a different light because her faith brought them to life. Oh did I mention she was from Christ Embassy.

A couple in Dominion City Abakiliki, I have never set my eyes on, became family. Interceeding , praying , encouraging and spending valuable air time just listening to me rant.

The road leading to my house is like the average Port Harcourt street road, absolutely messed up, and if you don't have a car (preferably a Jeep) your feet are completely doomed. Most times I would stop and ferry families across. One day I helped out a lady who was having a hard time passing through the maze of muddy puddles with her kids. For some reason I felt I should go the extra mile and drop her off at her house, I kept gushing over her hair because I noticed it was really super long. Finally when I stopped she asked me, 'madam which church do you belong to?'
I told her, and out of curiosity I asked , ' why do you want to know?'
Her exact response was, 'I've not met anyone like you, you just cheered me up'

They will know us by our love. Love, not just for your brothers and sisters in Dominion City, or Redeemed , or Assemblies of God or  Apostolic or Catholic , but for all who have been redeemed and washed by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Sometimes I wonder how heaven will be. There won't be any street dedicated to any ministry, there won't even be any mention of any ministry or church as we know it. I don't know whose mansion will be next to mine but  I know one thing, There will be eternal celebration, there will be love and there would be joy flowing like rivers, there will be laughter and every hurt will be taken away.

That's what I'm looking forward to. How about you?.
Let love lead, let love rule.
