The man walked purposefully into the grandfather clock shaped structure made of wood (I'll call it THE SHED). Although it stood in enigmatic isolation on a sandy plain  there was something more to it...the manifest presence of Elohim was on it.

The man stepped into the tight space, knelt down and in a second the presence of God wrapped round Him like a warm soothing blanket. He closed his eyes and was immediately transported into the realm where glory, love and light intertwine in a celestial dance.
I saw him walk in and out day after day in divine obsession.
But soon something changed. A tiny dot of something that clouded the crystal clear water in the well of His Koinonia with Elohim. It was oh so subtle and its entry so perfectly silent he did not know the when or the how or the why.
It was no longer about Elohim, it was now about THE SHED.
And in the speed of light, the very moment it became about THE SHED I saw the presence of Elohim lift  like a veil made of glittering cosmic particles.
In that split second the glory was replaced by something grotesque and serpentine, something ancient and sentient that quivered feverishly in longing to recieve the worship that was once Elohim's.

The man walked purposefully into the grandfather clock shaped structure made of wood I call THE SHED. He had no clue that anything had changed.

I saw this today with my eyes closed so it couldn't have been a movie although it played in HD.
I wondered. Then it gradually dawned on me.


Years back as a student in UNN Enugu campus I bumped into a statue somewhere in Independence Layout. It was very offensive to me because I saw it as blasphemous. It was the statue of a long legged monstrosity with a proboscis perfectly resembling a crucifix appendaged to the head . At first sight it resembled a monster hiding behind a cross, but on closer examination you discover that it is just the monster.
I have a revelation of that monster, it is called RELIGION. And to me religion is just a deadly deviation from RELATIONSHIP . Last time I was around the area I looked out for the statue and it was gone.  Clearly somebody more freaked out than I was had it removed.

Once God ceases to be the center of our service, worship and prayers we have fallen to deadly deviations.
Jesus said ,
''But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father SEEKETH such to worship Him'' John 4:23
God is not looking for career pastors, evangelists, sanctuary cleaners,ushers or choristers. If He was then you could justify the lying and politiking and scampering for relevance that goes on in most churches.

There's nothing wrong with meeting up with friends and aqcuientances, gisting and catching up on things.  But if that replaces your passion to  gather with others for the sole purpose of knowing and loving Him more then we have fallen into a quagmire of deception. Something else is lurking around to receive that worship because God will have non of it.

It's oh so easy to get unwittingly caught up in activities so much that we fail to realise that the potency they once had to open up portals into heavenly dimensions have been lost and all we have in its place are  substitutes, cheap and shabby knock offs of the real deal, never enough to quench our thirst, but just enough to keep us running around in circles.

If the driving force of our Christianity is not to know Him, then THE SHED of our hearts, our gatherings , our service , our prayer lives gets leased to something else , someone other than Elohim.

Our willingness to be rebuked by Him and not loose sight of His perfect love for us is a major asset in our love relationship with The Father.  And today His love rebuke is

Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent Revelatiins 2:4-5


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