After years of dodging and making excuses I finally made up my mind to learn how to drive. I mean if my immediate younger brother who was terrified of driving for years is cruising around Pitakwa, who is that man-made god or uncircumcised Philistine that said I cannot drive. Truth be told I was weary of fellow passengers telling me ‘madam abeg shift, this is not your parlor abeg” and drivers asking me ‘madam you go pay for two?’ is it my fault that I look extremely healthy…lol (mbok chunky is the new slim)
Anyway, I got a driving instructor and God made sure he was a very patient one, and I started learning. After some weeks of intensive training, he cut me loose and I paid him. I was now left on my own, just me and the red cut out ‘L’ dangling in front of the car and behind it.
I kept remembering what my instructor told me, ‘I can’t teach you everything, you’ll have to launch out and learn the rest by yourself but I guarantee you in the next few weeks you’ll be as good or even better than so many people driving’.
Initially, I faced a lot of humiliation on the road, I didn’t know that the word ’learner’ could be such a painful insult, not until drivers started hurling it at me. Then to add insult to injury keke, ordinary Keke will overtake me on the road and the keke driver would make sure to turn around and give me a smirk. But I think the most painful part was that 'look' drivers would give you, that pitying, condescending smile that said ‘Eiyaaa! At this your old age you’re still learning how to drive (and you suck by the way). Meanwhile we learnt since kemgbe’. Then sometimes they'd go all out and yell "madam go and get a driver!"
It took courage for me to suck it all in and continue every single day. Then police came after me, they could smell me and my numerous ‘mistakes’ from a mile, then TIMARIV came after them. In fact, I labeled myself ‘Madam one week one trouble’ that period.
Then I remembered my #Sinach CD, that particular CD is still my best till date. Every day as I drove out of the house I would slot it in, initially the music was supposed to distract me from looking to see if the driver of the car beside mine was upset with my driving, but as I played it I would find myself bursting out in tongues spontaneously. Chai! See what I’ve been missing. The presence of God would invade my car day after day. I was so happy no one outside could hear my emotional bawling and out of tone singing, not that I cared any ways. It was so strong that I started noticing the way people reacted when they entered my car and encountered that presence whenever it was present.
Long story short, I lost my fear and found my driving ‘groove’ just as my instructor said I would and I learnt so many valuable lessons because my car also became a place for communion and training. For example, after observing that the beat-up cars on the road are the ones with the most reckless drivers, the Holy spirit told me ‘the same way you have observed this and you’re moving your car away from them, not wanting them to dent you or scratch your paint off, you must also learn to deliberately stay away from toxic people filled with gossip, malice and strife or they’ll foul up the good in your life’.
Walking in the supernatural is like learning how to drive.
The ‘driving instructor’ is the man or woman of God sent to your life to mentor and train you. He or she can only teach you in part but the rest you’ll have to discover by yourself as you walk in the Spirit. Identify them and make sure they are accessible (no use having a mentor that won’t pick your calls or spend time with you). Also ensure that they are modeling Christ and have tasted and handled what you desire to have or become. Whenever I encountered a problem while driving I’d call my driving instructor, “bros abeg see wetin happen…. wetin I go do?” or “what does this button do?”. And he would always say something that would get me out of a fix.
My Sinach CD represents the atmosphere we all as believers are designed to function in. That’s the atmosphere the Spirit of God thrives and manifests in. It doesn’t come upon us only in Holy Ghost services, its meant to be a constant.
See eh, it doesn’t matter who started out before you in this race. Don’t go and collect inferiority complex that some prideful believer would want you to collect like some of those drivers who gave me ‘the look’. When you ‘marry’ the Spirit of God into all your ways, activities and endeavor you will find your ‘groove’ and you’ll always be a winner.
Kindly Ignore anyone that struts in pride spiritually, gobbling about how wonderful or powerful they are and how you’re still a ‘learner’. Please ignore them completely because they don’t count.
Don’t give up ‘cos you only live once on earth. So give it your best shot.


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