

People react in different ways when flaws in their character are pointed out to them. How they react is also dependent on who is doing the pointing out. That means, words that would make you sober when spoken by one person can deeply offend when spoken by another. The truth remains that there are large portions of our nature and character that are not visible to our personal observation and so we need the help of others. For instance, we all have eyes on our faces yet we can never see our own face except with the help of another person or a mirror. We can’t see our backs either no matter how hard we try. This is why we need the word of God as our daily mirror and also sincere relationships. To a large extent I still remain a stranger to myself. Don’t get me wrong, I know me to a large extent too. I know the things I don’t like and the things I like. I know I love the Lord; I know the things that make me sad. But that level of ‘knowing’   is never enough. Why? becaus...


After years of dodging and making excuses I finally made up my mind to learn how to drive. I mean if my immediate younger brother who was terrified of driving for years is cruising around Pitakwa, who is that man-made god or uncircumcised Philistine that said I cannot drive. Truth be told I was weary of fellow passengers telling me ‘madam abeg shift, this is not your parlor abeg” and drivers asking me ‘madam you go pay for two?’ is it my fault that I look extremely healthy…lol (mbok chunky is the new slim) Anyway, I got a driving instructor and God made sure he was a very patient one, and I started learning. After some weeks of intensive training, he cut me loose and I paid him. I was now left on my own, just me and the red cut out ‘L’ dangling in front of the car and behind it. I kept remembering what my instructor told me, ‘I can’t teach you everything, you’ll have to launch out and learn the rest by yourself but I guarantee you in the next few weeks you’ll be as good or even bett...


I could beat my chest as a single lady that I was a good cook and a  fastidiously tidy person. But marriage and motherhood quickly changed all that for me. I came into marriage armed with three cook books , five Home and country magazines and a truckload of confidence about how nice my home would be but right now the magazines are probably at the bottom of the Ghana-must-go bag in my wardrobe along with all my Dean Koontz , Stephen King and Michael Crichton novels. Evidence of a time in my life I had time to read novels. My first month in marriage I was out to ‘WOW’ oga and show  him I was the Nigerian version of Martha Stewart.  But to my greatest shock the plate would return to the kitchen almost the way I served it. Initially I felt insulted, then I felt slapped in the face, then deflated. I asked why, wasn’t the food okay, and in his usual quiet manner he would just tell me he doesn’t like it. What is the meaning of this kwanu ? This was strange to me and a big ...


The man walked purposefully into the grandfather clock shaped structure made of wood (I'll call it THE SHED). Although it stood in enigmatic isolation on a sandy plain  there was something more to it...the manifest presence of Elohim was on it. The man stepped into the tight space, knelt down and in a second the presence of God wrapped round Him like a warm soothing blanket. He closed his eyes and was immediately transported into the realm where glory, love and light intertwine in a celestial dance. I saw him walk in and out day after day in divine obsession. But soon something changed. A tiny dot of something that clouded the crystal clear water in the well of His Koinonia with Elohim. It was oh so subtle and its entry so perfectly silent he did not know the when or the how or the why. It was no longer about Elohim, it was now about THE SHED. And in the speed of light, the very moment it became about THE SHED I saw the presence of Elohim lift  like a veil made of glitt...


I t happened about 14 or more years ago somewhere at Mbari Street, Owerri. I alighted from  an Okada and for some reason we disagreed over the fare. The details are all blurry now. Really I can't even recall the exact details but one thing I can never forget is the pure hatred that emanated from him as I gently tried to explain that he was mistaken. The curses that he spewed out of his lips without any real provocation shocked me. He didn't curse me in the name of Amadioha, or Arunsi He cursed me in the name of Jesus Christ. It then dawned on me that he was a believer just like me. After so many years I still remember my shock. You see people can forget everything but they'll never forget how you made them feel. I stared at him in disbelief. He actually believed God would curse me because I annoyed him. I just shook my head and walked away. Well, after 14 years you all can see how effective his curses where on My life. Does a fountain bring out at the same pl...


Now this is a bit odd but  when I think of the love walk  the figure that comes to my mind is the striding man logo and the 'Keep walking' campaign of a certain brand. The  love walk is what it is...a walk, a daily walk. It becomes immaterial that I walked  yesterday or last year if I'm not walking today and I don't plan to walk tomorrow. You never stop walking. You walk when its convienent and when it's not. You walk when you're appreciated and when you are despised and rejected. You walk in the rain, under the blazing sun and in the hurricane winds because love is a nature. We who are in Christ have it within all of us and it can weather any storm. '...Because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us'.  Romans 5: 5 . LEARNING TO WALK. I have a month old baby who is being cuddled and carried about right now. However there is no doubt in my heart that when the time is right he will walk, just like his 3 ...


Have you ever heard of the word 'Cephalophore'. Ok lets go back to those ancient and medieval times when preaching the gospel or going against the institutionalized churches had the grim penalty of a beheading. History has it that some of these ancient mystics (some of them women) would stand up pick up their heads and walk away and give themselves a proper burial. Kind of reminds you of the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow, right?  Apostle Paul is famed to be one of them. His decapitated head was said to have said the name of Jesus Christ up to thirty times before it fell silent, never to preach about that name on earth again. These are men and women who operated on a mystic level that was unbelievable. Some of them willingly gave themselves to be burnt  and flayed as if it was some kind of fun game. Hebrews 11 spoke of these class of people, ''and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection:And others had trial ...