THE SNEAKY THINGS WIVES SOMETIMES DO (First featured in the NEW EVE MAGAZINE 2016 first edition) Sometimes it’s as if I try to outdo my ability to annoy my husband. I mean I try to be a good wife and lover, a good mother made of sugar and spice and all things nice but some days it just doesn’t work. When such days happen I wonder what I must have done to trigger it. Maybe I didn’t spend enough time in my morning devotion. Anyways, yesterday I was almost sent back to my father’s house (not really , but close enough) and all because of an internet modem. I had taken it out in the morning (without informing him) to browse on some stuff I needed for a project I was doing. Please don’t be too hasty to judge me. I believe the one- day –one- trouble syndrome had just kicked in because I honestly didn’t remember to ask nicely for it. Well, unfortunately hubby sited his modem sticking out of my laptop port. “Bia is that my modem?” he asks. That’s how conversations go in my house always a...