
Showing posts from April, 2017


THE SNEAKY THINGS WIVES SOMETIMES DO (First featured in the NEW EVE MAGAZINE 2016 first edition) Sometimes it’s as if I try to outdo my ability to annoy my husband. I mean I try to be a good wife and lover, a good mother made of sugar and spice and all things nice but some days it just doesn’t work. When such days happen I wonder what I must have done to trigger it. Maybe I didn’t spend enough time in my morning devotion. Anyways, yesterday I was almost sent back to my father’s house (not really , but close enough) and all because of an internet modem. I had taken it out in the morning (without informing him) to browse on some stuff I needed for a project I was doing. Please don’t be too hasty to judge me. I believe the one- day –one- trouble syndrome had just kicked in because I honestly didn’t remember to ask nicely for it. Well, unfortunately hubby sited his modem sticking out of my laptop port. “Bia is that my modem?” he asks. That’s how conversations go in my house always a


Pastor Gabriel drove his wife and the girl to church silently. He has always been a man of few words. He looked at his rear view mirrow to be sure the young girl was okay. Her face was a complex mixture of relief, shame, guilt and worry. There was no doubt she had more battles to fight in future and her life would often be in grave danger. He knew he had a lot of work to do on her or else the coven would be boiling her hide in a cauldron in no distant time. He had tried to convince the Richards to keep her for a while but they would have nothing to do with her again. Frankly he didnt blame them. They'd been through alot lately. Finally his wife had graciously suggested the girl come over. Their house would be a city of refuge for her and she would in turn help them with chores around the house. The couple didn't have any child of their own. They had wasted no time. She had over 15 foundational classes to complete and she was already in stage 2. The idea was to help her beg


Everybody is in love with the sinfully handsome Alejandro. Maya, the beautiful voodoo practising housekeeper has taken her feelings for him to a dark and obsessive level by creating a shrine for him deep inside her closet.  Even that old Jezebel , Madam Isabella de la Rosa is also trying to scheme her way into his bed. But all his heart is for the complicated and evasive Maria. Gladys sighed with mild annoyance as she watched her heartthrob pursuing after Maria under the rain, just in jeans, muddy cowboy boots and bare chest. Maria was sitting at the  back of a taxi, tears streaming down her face trying hard not to look at Alejandro who was running as fast as he could screaming her name. ' Chai...what a man! ...infact this guy na correct Alpha male'  she concludes as she fixed her eyes on his chest rippling with muscles. ' But come o, how come no guy has ever pursued me under the rain'. Infact the last relationship she almost got into had died a natural death beca


The tiny toilet room could barely contain the commotion going on inside. The Exterminator stood at the foot of the bed and watched the scene with sober eyes , his 9 feet height nearly touching the ceiling. In the realm where he belonged walls didn't exist so the whole scene was playing out before him fully. His brothers had formed a  tight circle round  all the humans in the room. Their eyes blazing hot with holy fire and zeal. But their concern wasn't the humans, it was the wicked spirits within the girl writhing on the floor that they where waiting for. The two groups of spirits could see each other as clear as day and no one was budging for the other . However, him and his brothers couldn't do anything until the demons where expelled from the girl by the humans . It was almost all over. But the end could only come when any of  three things happened , 1. the girl's death, 2. her permanent physical exit from the house or 3. her voluntary consent to be rid of the de


Mrs. Richards drew open the curtain of her house and watched as the van emblazoned with BENNY'S PEST CONTROL on the sides packed close to her doorstep. The picture of the reptiles , insects and rodents on the van looked  terrifying, almost life like. Like the work of a brilliant 3D artist. It was funny because she couldn't  recall calling any pest control to her house. She watched as the driver got out . He was wearing bright orange HI VIS coveralls and looked vaguely familiar. He turned and  looked straight at her with a severe expression. She felt a bit awkward for peeking and drew back the curtains quickly. She opened the door. He was already standing at her door. 'Good day Nkoli' he sounded warm  and polite but his expression was still grim. Mrs Richards wondered about the greeting. Only few people knew and called her by her first name. Good day sir...may I help you?' 'No madam...I am here to help you. You have a pest in your house' 'Eeeeh? &

THE CIRCLE: part 7 - THE YOUNG INITIATE (continuation)

Deborah thought about her life and how complicated things had become. She thought about her widowed mom in the village. Her mom was her world. She was sure that by time this was all over she would be dead, either in the hands of the Richards or in the hands of the High Witch. There was no escaping it. The poisonous portion obviously had not worked and the time was ticking. It was ticking too fast. She had just 2 days to do something. She cursed Ogene. She was the one that got her into this mess. She never asked for this. When  she came into the Richards home she had been all too grateful to be there. Everything was lovely. She had a room to herself  and always enough food to eat.  The Richards treated her like a human being and there was even talk of sending her back to school. She worked hard to keep that thought in their mind till they fufilled it. School was what she loved till her father's death changed everything. Her mom hated sending her away but there was no choice.


Mrs. Richards walked out of the church door to answer her husband's call . She needed to leave church immediatly as her tampoons where thoroughly soaked and she didn't need any embarassing stains.  Some of the ladies where still inside chatting and laughing , she would get them to leave immediately after taking the call. 'Honey, are you home yet...I tried calling you on my way to church' she spoke in lowered tones. 'I'm home, junior is acting a bit dull...when was the last time he was treated for malaria?' her husband asked over the line. 'Uhmmm...  I think late last month, has he eating anything? ' she tried not to sound worried, Kaycee hated whenever her voice sounded full of worry. He would always question her faith walk. But sometimes she couldn't help it. Motherly instincts maybe. But then again taking care of a sick child was always extremely stressfull. 'Deborah is trying to give him dinner. Anyway hurry home, we might need to tak


She looked at the women with much compassion. If only they had the faintest clue what difference they where capable of making both individually and as a group. She silently trusted the Holy Spirit to aid her communicate what was in her heart. There was so much burden in her heart both for the church and the town. she couldnt exactly place her finger on whatever was the matter, but she knew a lot was wrong. A scripture flashed across her mind, 'For death is come up into our windows, and is entered into our palaces, to cut off the children from without, and the young men from the streets' That was the only way to describe what was going on. For a small town they had too many deaths. This week the Adimorah's had lost their only girl in horrible circumstances. Although they didnt move in the same circles , she knew the family .That child was just 4 - an angel. She heard Mrs. Adegoke the cantankerous landlady at No.15 had suddenly run mad. Mrs. Adegoke was a fiery woman