She looked at the women with much compassion. If only they had the faintest clue what difference they where capable of making both individually and as a group.
She silently trusted the Holy Spirit to aid her communicate what was in her heart.
There was so much burden in her heart both for the church and the town. she couldnt exactly place her finger on whatever was the matter, but she knew a lot was wrong. A scripture flashed across her mind,
'For death is come up into our windows, and is entered into our palaces, to cut off the children from without, and the young men from the streets'
That was the only way to describe what was going on. For a small town they had too many deaths. This week the Adimorah's had lost their only girl in horrible circumstances. Although they didnt move in the same circles , she knew the family .That child was just 4 - an angel.
She heard Mrs. Adegoke the cantankerous landlady at No.15 had suddenly run mad. Mrs. Adegoke was a fiery woman but she was also kind in a lot of ways. She was just about 54 and still a long way from the dementia that sometimes comes with aging.
Last month so many young men lost their lives mysteriously. Death indeed had entered.

' Sisters I'd like us to come back on Friday for a vigil' she announced
She could sense their reactions through their body language , even though they mostly tried to conceal it. It wasn't very encouraging.
'I think there's so much we need to pray for'. God has been faithful we havent recorded any death in this church through out the year, except for sister Brenda that miscarried, but the same can't be said for the town '
They all nodded in unison.
'Ok' she thought, 'at least I have their attention'
' I'm just asking for those who are willing to show up. If you're tied up for the weekend you need not bother'
She observed Tari's relief and Gladys  brightened expression. A few others also seemed to be pleased they weren't going to be compelled to come.
'And so if you dont mind I'd like you to raise your hand, so I'll know the number to expect on Friday'
Christabel raised her hand first.
' sis you're just 2 weeks to your EDD, I don't think you should bother' she said frowning gently at the amiable pregnant lady beaming up at her.
'Ah ! Ma I wont miss it for anything...the baby won't let me sleep most nights. Might as well  use the time to pray instead of counting the squares on the cieling'
'Sister Christy...hehehe ...are you sure it's the baby keeping you awake at night' sister Ng teased, the rest burst out laughing.
Gladys looked at her watch for the 5th time,  Tari shifted in her seat barely hiding her irritation. Mrs . Richards observed it all quietly and it saddened her.

15 women at of 32 in attendance agreed to be at the vigil. 6 singles and 9 married women.
'Ok...lets say the closing prayers. Tari can you say the closing prayers for us.
Tari looked thunder struck and slightly offended. She stood up ever so slowly. The rest bowed their heads. Gladys snickered , enjoying Tari's  enbarrasment.She knew Tari's prayer vocabulary was akeen to that of a preschooler.
'its not all about carrying Coach handbags and buying 300k weavon' she thought maliciously
' In Jesus name' Tari began
'Amen' the rest echoed
'In the mighty name of Jesus...'

To be continued... Part 6 - THE YOUNG INITIATE


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