Mrs. Richards walked out of the church door to answer her husband's call . She needed to leave church immediatly as her tampoons where thoroughly soaked and she didn't need any embarassing stains.  Some of the ladies where still inside chatting and laughing , she would get them to leave immediately after taking the call.
'Honey, are you home yet...I tried calling you on my way to church' she spoke in lowered tones.
'I'm home, junior is acting a bit dull...when was the last time he was treated for malaria?' her husband asked over the line.
'Uhmmm...  I think late last month, has he eating anything? ' she tried not to sound worried, Kaycee hated whenever her voice sounded full of worry. He would always question her faith walk. But sometimes she couldn't help it. Motherly instincts maybe. But then again taking care of a sick child was always extremely stressfull.
'Deborah is trying to give him dinner. Anyway hurry home, we might need to take him to the clinic immediately. If it's malaria lets start treating before it escalates'
'Ok...I'm on my way' she hung up the line and  peeped back into the church and saw some ladies still in there including Tari and Gladys. Those two that acted as if they where forced into the meeting. They where gisting animatedly about something. Fellowship after fellowship.
'Ladies we need to go home. We wouldn't want to go late to work tomorrow or have our husbands or parents ban us from coming for the next meeting do we?'
The groups broke up and they all filed out of the church building. She entered her car and started driving home.
14 minutes later Deborah her househelp opened the gate for her .
'Where is daddy?' she asked the help observing that her husband's car was not parked outside.
'He left with junior ma'
'Ah ah! What happened? Now she was really looking worried.
'Ma he started vomiting seriously so daddy too him to the clinic'
She quickly dialed her hubby.
Deborah stood quietly by the corner watching her madam.
'Hello...hello Kaycee what happened?'
'Don't panic, he's fine. Just that he started throwing up while Deborah was feeding him. I prayed for him though before we left for the hospital'
'Give me 10 minutes and i'll be there.'
She rushed into the house muttering in 'tongues' and quickly changed her tampoon. Carefully wrapping it with paper before disposing in the waste bin.
She got outside and the househelp was still standing outside.
'Deborah! Why are you still standing there...anyway just open the gate let me drive out. And please don't open it to any one'

By the time she got to the hospital. She was told her husband and son where in the consulting room. She knocked and entered. The doctor looked up and welcomed her with a smile. Her husband had their son in his arms.
'So by the result its not malaria... he seems fine to me. But i'm suspecting something he ate might have triggered his vomiting. Did you introduce anything new to his diet?'
'No doc...just the regular meals' she answered and here husband concurred.
As they went to bed that night they both agreed juniour would sleep in with them. He was had just turned 6 years two months earlier.
'Kaycee that means no hanky panky games to night' she teased
' I know you'll be to 'defraud me' this night abii' they both laughed and retired for the night.
To be continued...THE YOUNG INITIATE


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