The tiny toilet room could barely contain the commotion going on inside.
The Exterminator stood at the foot of the bed and watched the scene with sober eyes , his 9 feet height nearly touching the ceiling. In the realm where he belonged walls didn't exist so the whole scene was playing out before him fully. His brothers had formed a  tight circle round  all the humans in the room. Their eyes blazing hot with holy fire and zeal. But their concern wasn't the humans, it was the wicked spirits within the girl writhing on the floor that they where waiting for.
The two groups of spirits could see each other as clear as day and no one was budging for the other . However, him and his brothers couldn't do anything until the demons where expelled from the girl by the humans .
It was almost all over. But the end could only come when any of  three things happened , 1. the girl's death, 2. her permanent physical exit from the house or 3. her voluntary consent to be rid of the demons that swarmed her body like demented  black eels.
He hoped the Richards wouldn't choose number 1. Not that him or his brothers cared one way or the other but because he knew that option would complicate the lives of the Richards. He knew their 'go to' scripture in this sort of situation was 'suffer not a witch to live' but this particular witch has been their house help for almost a year and they would have alot of explaining to do, both to neighbours, the police and the girl's relatives if she died.
He glanced at Mrs. Richards', she was pacing and screaming in 'tongues' while cuddling her son. Her initial revulsion had quickly been replaced by murderous rage. He didn't think the housegirl stood any chance of surviving once any command was given in that direction.
He silently prayed to THE COUNSELLOR to give the Richards wisdom in this situation.
Mr. Richards was in the toilet shouting 'satan! the blood is against you!' apparently still rattled by the scene . He knew it wouldn't be long before the Richards collected themselves, commands  would be issued and that would be the end.
He had been asked by THE MASTER to report to the Richards home just as he was returning from his last assignment from a seemingly quiet suburban neighbourhood in the USA. It was a battle that was sadly lost because the believers he was sent to were too wrapped up in bitter suspicion against each other to pray effectively.Witchcraft was experiencing a renaissance in the western world and most of God's people were dangerously unaware of their covert activities. The Richard's where among the few that had escaped alive...not because they where specially loved but because they took care to build themselves to a state of spiritual sensitivity through endless prayers and constant communication with THE COUNSELLOR. Not just that, they also actively deployed the angels at their disposal.
'Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to serve those who will inherit salvation?'
The Exterminator mouthed the line of scripture that was one among many that summoned them.
He watched as Mrs. Richards put juniour down on the bed. The child had both hands clamped to his ears in an attempt to shut out the terrifying sounds he was hearing. She walked purposely to her husband and began to whisper to him.
'Hallelujah'  the Exterminator thought gladly, THE COUNSELLOR had spoken to her. He whispered his gratitude.
He could hear the husband and wife as clearly as if they where speaking to him in loud tones.
'Honey we need to be careful, I don't want this girl to die here o' Mrs . Richards was saying to her husband
'Eeeh? So what do we do?' he was out of breath from all the yelling.
They both looked down at Deborah,
she was now panting and muttering, they could tell she was trying to say something to them but they couldn't make out the words.
'Well the bible says 'spirits are subject to us' I think we should drill her for some answers, its obvious that witchcraft's behind whatever has been going on in town lately.'
'Deborah!' Kaycee called her sharply
'Sir, sir' she muttered her entire body was covered in greasy looking sweat.'It was was Ogene Madam Grace's househelp. She initiated me...oh! My mother!...I don't want to die...sir please tell them not to kill me'
'If you want to die , you'll die in your father's house not here'  Kaycee shouted at her angrily.
'My mother  o...sir , ma please... I will tell you every thing, tell them not to kill me'
And she began to confess.
The Richards where stunned at the gravity of what the girl was saying. She called names in church, she called names in the neighbourhood, schools, familiar names, strange names. She gave a list of their activities from the time she joined the coven till date. Mrs. Adegoke, little Daniella  Adimorah , her mechanic's apprentice did not die naturally. Sister Ego that was always trying to give people personal prophecy after every service and her friend Omo that was always manifesting and distracting everyone during service. It wasn't enough to explain everything happening but it was enough.
Mrs Richards primary instinct was to prayer some aggressive prayers , why would she offer salvation to a witch who could have had all of them dead if not for God.  It was a battle but she finally said the words, 'Do you want to be delivered from the power of satan? , Jesus came to set the captives free. If you are willing you too can be delivered from the captivity of witchcraft.'
Deborah's eyes widened in terror, 'sir no one can remove what they put in me, and her highness will kill me if I try'
Mrs. Richard began to speak to her under the anointing.She magnified the name of Jesus and explained to her how satan could only hold her bound through fear and ignorance.
It took her  thirty minutes but it seemed like five.
The Exterminator smiled as he saw in the tormented girl's eyes a resolve to be free. When Mrs .Richards concluded by asking her if she was willing, she nodded and expressed her willingness to be delivered.
Mr. Richard's swung into action and began to bind the hordes of hell that concealed themselves in the girl's body.
Her screaming commenced, this time it was louder and more horrible. Mrs. Richards left the toilet room and  pulled junior who was now weeping in fright up and out of the bedroom to the living room. Her job was done . She would leave her husband to do the rest with the help of the Holy Spirit.
But deliverance or no deliverance she was sure Deborah would have to leave her home immediatly. Her services where no longer needed.
The Exterminator smiled and whispered, ' For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil'.


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