Mrs. Richards drew open the curtain of her house and watched as the van emblazoned with BENNY'S PEST CONTROL on the sides packed close to her doorstep. The picture of the reptiles , insects and rodents on the van looked  terrifying, almost life like. Like the work of a brilliant 3D artist. It was funny because she couldn't  recall calling any pest control to her house.
She watched as the driver got out . He was wearing bright orange HI VIS coveralls and looked vaguely familiar. He turned and  looked straight at her with a severe expression. She felt a bit awkward for peeking and drew back the curtains quickly.
She opened the door. He was already standing at her door.
'Good day Nkoli' he sounded warm  and polite but his expression was still grim. Mrs Richards wondered about the greeting. Only few people knew and called her by her first name.
Good day sir...may I help you?'
'No madam...I am here to help you. You have a pest in your house'
'Eeeeh? ' she sounded a bit embarrassed, 'seriously? I don't think so...I'm always very careful, my house is clean and I don't like clutter so where would the rat be hiding'
'I never said anything about a rat' he replied tersely and entered the house.
She tried to stop him but found out she couldn't. His movement and speed reminded her of a gust of wind rushing in through her door
'What is it going to cost? She yelled after him.'I didn't keep any money in the house' she  watched as he headed straight to the masters bedroom.
He paused and turned to look at her, this time as if she was a child that had little understanding.
'It's all been paid for'
'Really... by who?' She asked genuinely surprised
'By OUR BOSS , you've forgotten you signed an agreement with him' he responded and disappeared into the room.
It was obvious the man was not in a chatty mood so she swallowed all the questions firing in her head. 'What boss?, what agreement?
She shuddered at the thought of what he might find. Something about all those creepy crawlies unnerved her . She attempted to follow him but changed her mind and decided to wait it out in the living room.
She heard a blood cuddling and terrifying squeel. It sounded like a pig being gutted alive and a monkey caught by the neck at the same time. It was loud and continuous and completely unnerving.
'Blood of Jesus!' She yelled and leapt up from her chair her , skin crawling.
'Madam I've caught it , come and take a look'  the pest control man said cooly as if he was inviting her to come and watch a nice movie
'God forbid...just get rid if it. It's not necessary for me to see it abeg abeg!' her heart was racing with fright.
'madam come and see!' his voice was more stern and demanded obedience.
She sighed and  walked towards her room. She looked completely distressed. How could she have been living with such a thing that made such a horrible sound and not even know it.
She entered the room. The sound was coming from the toilet. She hesitated a little and walked towards the door.
Mr. Richards was jolted awake from her sleep and dream.  She sat up on her bed, her heart racing. Kaycee and junior where sleeping soundly.
Chai! Praise God it was all a dream. That was absolutely horrifying. She sat up and listened to the night. The Air conditioner was humming quietly and she could hear the rapid second ticking of the clock on the wall. All of a sudden she heard another sound it was the gentle rustle of sounded like polythene or something made of nylon. Her head jerked towards the toilet. The door was ajar and the  sound was coming from there. Her skin broke out in bumps as she remembered her dream.
She heard the rustle again.
'It must be a rat' she thought, assuring herself that creatures with pig/monkey squeels belonged only in the realm of nightmares. She thought of waking Kaycee but changed her mind. She came down from her bed and grabbed one of Kaycees heavy brogues.
'Even if I don't kill it , atleast i'll give it a big scare'
She tiptoed as quietly as she could to the toilet door and flipped the switch with one hand and opening the door wider with the other.
She yelped with fright. It took a while for her mind to even begin to wrap itself round what her eyes where seeing. The single brogue fell from her hand. In that split second her mind flashed back to her early teens when she came face to face with a rabid dog.
Deborah was crouched on the ground like some feral creature, her eyes blazing red and feverish. She had what looked like bloody tampoons inbetween her teeth.
Mrs.  Richards screamed. She screamed a name that had become part of her daily existence.
'JEEEEEESSUUUUUUSSSS!' her voice pierced into the night and woke up her husband and child. Some neighbours jolted from their sleep wondering what It was that woke them up.
Two things happened after that. Deborah was struck by a searing pain that exploded her mind . Her body began to involuntarily convulse with the pain that seemed originate from within her core. it felt like she had ingested acid and was quickly dissolving her inside out. She began to squeel like a pig being gutted alive. Mrs.Richard's physical revulsion at what she had just witnessed overpowered her and she began to violently vomit her last dinner.
To be continued  - PART 9 :THE EXORCISM


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