THE CIRCLE: part 7 - THE YOUNG INITIATE (continuation)

Deborah thought about her life and how complicated things had become. She thought about her widowed mom in the village. Her mom was her world.
She was sure that by time this was all over she would be dead, either in the hands of the Richards or in the hands of the High Witch. There was no escaping it.
The poisonous portion obviously had not worked and the time was ticking. It was ticking too fast. She had just 2 days to do something. She cursed Ogene. She was the one that got her into this mess. She never asked for this.
When  she came into the Richards home she had been all too grateful to be there. Everything was lovely. She had a room to herself  and always enough food to eat.  The Richards treated her like a human being and there was even talk of sending her back to school. She worked hard to keep that thought in their mind till they fufilled it. School was what she loved till her father's death changed everything.
Her mom hated sending her away but there was no choice. All her older siblings had left home and she was the one that her mother clung to. But they where both starving and so she had to leave. Her monthly salary which was almost 4 times what her mother got in a month was divided in two. One part was sent to her mother as part of her upkeep and the other was deposited in an account because she practically didn't need it. The Richards gave her everything she needed.
The coven meeting she came late for was her first meeting after her initiation. She had been given the seemingly simple task of killing one member of the  Richards family or at least leave them with misery that will last for a life time. But nothing  she had tried had worked. It was frustrating. There was something about these people. She couldn't feed on their blood, she couldn't get anything bad to happen to them . Their son threw up the poisoned food she had fed him almost immediately it entered his stomach. Madam insisted she join them in the family devotion. That made it extremely difficult , almost impossible for her to transform to anything at night inorder to search for who to feed on. Her situation was impossible.
Yesterday she had done her very best to attack juniour while he slept. But a huge shiney, muscular man suddenly appeared by his bed side and gave her a glaring stare that cuddled her blood. There was no doubt in her mind that a step closer would have spelt her end. She had crawled back into bed on an empty stomach.
She didn't have anything against the Richards, right now she was just trying to make sure she came out of the next coven  meeting alive. Mrs. Richards was an enigma. She daily, literally prayed up a fire storm in her home. The only other woman she had seen study any book as much as Mrs. Richards was the High witch. Maybe her book too gave her special powers.
She was hungry. Very much so. Her need for human blood was heightening by the day and if nothing was done soon she couldn't tell what her fate would be.
As she lay quietly in her bed , she could hear them breathing heavily in their sleep. Mrs . Richards was a restless sleeper, always tossing from one side to the other. Mr. Richards slept like a log of wood. Junior slept the sleep of the innocents. As she lay thinking about her life she caught a whiff of something that excited her. All her senses where as sharp and elevated as a wild  animal in the jungle.
It was the smell of blood. Stale, but blood all the same. She stood up and listened more to their  sleeping sounds. They were surely asleep.
She crept slowly into their room and entered the toilet. The smell  was more intense here. What she was about to do was inconceivable. But she was no longer completely human.
She opened the bin beside the toilet seat and reached in for the tighly wrapped tampoons.
To be continued...THE COVENANT OF BLOOD


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