Gladys logged off her system and tidied her table. It was already 15 minutes past closing time. She never wanted to give her manager the impression she was too eager to go home after work. 'After all its not like I have a baby to nurse at home'. She muttered to herself. She was the last to walk out of the company's gate and the security man bid her his usual Cheerful farewell full of expectancy of the monetary kind. 'Audu abeg nothing for you today, may be tomorrow' she waved him off ' Ah! madam baa wahala' he said cheerfully and waved back at her. As she sat on the bus on her way home she struggled between going straight to church for the sisters fellowship or just going home directly. She could do some laundry she didnt have energy for during the weekend and maybe even cook herself a nice pot of jellof rice instead of eating whatever stale stuff that was still stored in her refrigerator. 'If I dont go now Mrs. Richards the general women le...