I changed my position from sitting on the floor to lying face down. It had to be the position. I waited for minutes that seemed like hours. This thing doesn't seem to be working for me. Massive book shelves loomed over me silently , their contents penned by God's generals and spiritual giants like John G Lake , Kenneth Hagin, Smith Wigglesworth, A W Tozer, Derek Prince , Andrew Murray, Charles Finney, Kathryn Kulhman , Maria woodworth Etter and many more seemed to be mocking my failure.

I was holed up in a Christian library where I worked  as a temporary librarian. It was 6 pm on a week day in 2003 or maybe 2004 after all the free readers had left. I locked myself up. I had my notebook and my pen and I believed I was desperate enough, so why wasn't God talking to me. A hundred emotions ran through me chief among them was disappointment. I sighed . I was getting tired and impatient and of course the devil wouldn't pass up this kind of  opportunity for anything. He came slithering in and whispering his evil nonsense
'What in the world makes you think God would even be remotely interested in talking to you? YOU DO NOT QUALIFY!

Previously I had tried climbing up to the prayer room which was attached to the fence like an ancient watch tower but I've always suffered from a mild form of claustrophobia so I left after 30 minutes. Feeling like a massive failure.
Why isn't God talking to me?. I can't recall how long this went on until one day I realized it had actually happened. Without me realizing the exact day or time. It just dawned on me. I could hear God direct me , correct me. He was speaking to me. There was no thunder, no lightening, no drama . Just that still small voice.

In the course of my seeking His face I read books written by people who tried to describe God as If He where a preschooler who revels in hide and seek games. It went against what I saw in the scriptures. As good as their intentions might be it simply isn't what God says. People often make the mistake of using their experiences as the standard instead of God's word.

I know some of us are of the opinion that God doesn't talk or if He does, it's on rare occasions and on those rare occasions when He does talk, it's only to a few elites. I believe this opinion is formed by people who never made any attempt or who gave in half way like I almost did. 
Well I've taken a look at my bible and it doesn't look like the work of a dumb God. God is always talking . Problem is we ain't listening.
The average Christian is quiet comfortable with the Sunday sermon and maybe a few others in between. No point embarking on that adventure of hearing God speak when pastor can just tell me.

God doesn't play games especially hide and seek, He is too purpose minded for games. His heartbeat has always been to reveal Himself and His nature to His creation. The bible proves it.

For he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

God is talking to you right now. I'm not saying you just start hearing God just like that. What I'm saying is that the problem lies with us and our clumped up receptors and not with God. Everything required to get us to hear Him e.g. diligence, whole heartedness, sanctification and separation  is  designed to fix us up not necessarily a pointer to how incredibly difficult it is to hear God.

Everyone of us who is saved is directly wired to Christ and there is a free line of communication that we hardly use mainly because we'd rather others do it for us. How many Christians have fallen into the trap of visiting witchdoctors disguised as prophets,  soothsayers and diviners all because we won't pay the price to wait on God.

Is God dumb?, is He powerless? most definitely not. We are the ones with waxed up ears and lacklustre prayer lives.

God has one voice and He always, always speaks through His word. He may have different means and channels of speaking to us just like we have audio and visual, audio-visual but He will never contradict His word.

And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

What we require is an absolute devotion to the act of communing with God, speaking to Him and remaining utterly quiet in waiting.

Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. James 4:8


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