It was time. The Sisterhood of darkness where all complete. Except for one tardy young initiate , all came extra early. The reason was obvious, no one would dare cross her by arriving late for any of her meetings. The penalty was almost more than any of them could handle. As for the late comer she would think of a very appropriate punishment so she would wake up to the reality of her new life.
In her young days lateness was unheard of. Especially knowing the exceptional cruelty of the then High witch. After the high witch's demise, she had taken her place amidst clamors from the older witches who felt they where more qualified . But she had been specially hand picked to replace her because of her exceptional ability and  success rate at  delivering even the most difficult of tasks . No one would dare challenge the choice of the High witch.
Her resume was very impressive. She was eager to learn, very daring and very strategic in her onslaught. She had no time to waste on petty blood sucking and cheap antics of some of the older witches. To her they where just a bunch of brainless hagards not more intelligent than mosquitoes.

An added plus was her extreme beauty . Just that alone had helped her send a thousand men to their early graves. Unlike most of the witches surrounding her she was very successful in her alternate life and had used her powers to climb the ladder of one of the largest conglomerates in the country.
'Now lets get down to business'
The other witches did their obeisance. She looked at them in utmost disdain. What a rag tag lot. Her dream was to move her coven meetings to special board rooms in the most expensive complexs in the city. Her other dream was to have more of her kind and pedigree in the meetings and not all these civil servants, miserable house wives and dumb house helps. That day would come , she would have her way. She always does.

'Can we have the report for the week' they knew the order , the oldest always went first.
' one freak accident in the Adimorah family. Their only female child is dead'
' I recruited 2 women from my street'
' I finally made my mum join the coven, she's here in our midst your highness'
'I and sister Ego finally caught that stubborn pastor at his weak moment,  he had a fight with his wife and it lingered for a whole day. We have planted one of us in their home as a househelp.'
' I struck my landlords wife mad, she had been threatening me for a while I had to shut her up'
' We followed up on the local church we have been trying to infiltrate for over 5 years. The one that inadvertently killed our highness through their prayers. Our monitoring spirits informed us that one of the elders was in the grip of the spirit of envy and jealousy.  He has brought in great confusion with his actions to his church giving us the opportunity to send in 2 of our most trusted sisters.'
The high witch heart skipped with gladness, finally she would have her revenge .
' can they speak their language?' She queried
'More than that, they can appear very spiritual, even imitate all the  gifts'
'Good...very  good. That assignment is very important. They have been our only headache in this town'

The reports came in rapidly and efficiently. Not one would dare come in without results.
The high witch's attention turned on the new initiate. The one that came late, she hadnt given her report yet and was obviously terrified out of her mind. She glared at her with eyes full of unholy fire.

'Young lady is there a problem?' Her voice struck more terror than the hiss of a viper.
The young lady was a househelp planted in a home with a young child. The witches needed a child that age by the next full moon.
The young girl began to stutter.

To be continued


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