The day I saw myself in the mirror while I was crying I realised why my tears has never moved God...I looked plain ugly. Some girls can cry and still pull off a pretty face and an adorable look but such is not my case. As in eh serious Ihu ekpo...Lol.
So for me the only victories I have won are the ones I fought in Faith. Faith in God's word, in His promises and hanging on to the New covenant.
When you deal with men our tears hardly count, like that time I was driving with an expired licence and landed in the police station. That day I turned on the faucet to the highest only to realise that men and women of the NPF use tears  as soft drink. It was only when I pulled on the supernatural through faith that I left that place with my car keys and document  without having to pay a dime.
Tears don't move the demons. Rather it whips them into frenzied excitement as they explore new ways to torment and harass you.
Demon of frustration : hmmm what does this button do?
Demon of anger: I dunno...let's press it any way.
Demon of bitterness: guys hold up...let's press ALL the buttons at once.
Excited shrieks
Demon of self pity: awww! Look here ,she crying....cry baby boo hoo! Nobody understands you, nobody understands your pain, your so misunderstood boo hoo.
And you will see royalty crying as if Jesus didn't rise from the dead, as if He didn't say 'as He is so are you in this world'
Sisters tears don't impress God , all those emotional Christian R and B will not change the situation. It will soothe you yes...but it will change nothing.
You are a soldier, put on your armour
You are a king , stretch forth your sceptre and issue decrees.
You are more than a Conqueror, lift up the championship belt and give glory to the King because Your Lord and master won....K.O!!
The devil is still biting the dust!
Because hell couldn't hold Jesus down, nothing has the right or the power to hold you down.
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:11-13


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