The smell of assorted dead things and stale portions  hung heavily in the air. The witch made her way slowly and deliberately down the earthy tunnel that led into her lair which also doubled as a coven for all the other witches that where under her jurisdiction . The location was the middle  of the forest , in a cave underneath the tallest , the most thunder struck and most deformed tree .
It was always extremely dark in there even when the sun shun at its fullest strength outside. It never mattered though, her eyes where in oneness with the darkness. Her steps remained slow but purposeful, she had a job to do and it had to be done fast but first of all she had to locate THE BOOK.

The last time she had left it on a low table covered with the waxy residue of the special red candles with the special scent. Years of studying the book for hours on end with this peculiar candle had the table almost entirely covered with melted red wax giving it the apperance of congealed blood.
But she knew she was not likely to find it there. The book had a life of its own  and would have most likely changed position in the dead of the night. No, it was just a book, but the spirits who gave it the similitude of life where always working on it. Editing, deleting , updating, ensuring that what ever incantation, spell or recipe for portions where always potent to the point of excellence. She had read it for the first time as a young initiate and was initially repulsed at the content and demands it made. But just like her eyes to the darkness, her mind and her soul had also gotten accustomed to the darkness, evil and terror the book held. Now she could not go a day without reading it. It's darkness was the source of her black powers.

She found it. This time it was tucked in between the roots of the tree that covered the entire cave like a ghoulish and sloopy attempt at decoration.
She carefully pulled it out , making sure there was not one scratch on its coarse covers.
She laid it on the table and lit a candle. The dull light lit up only the pages and she began to search the pages for what she needed. Sometimes a page would do the magic but most times it was more complex depending on what she hoped to achieve.
From the entrance of the cave she could hear squeels of vampire bats making their way into the cave. The sisters where arriving too early. The air in the cave was charged with excitment but they would have to wait. No one not even herself knew how long she would have to study before they would dare join hands to utter their curses and release the plague on their blissfully unaware targets.


The alarm sang a soft dreamy lullaby. It was 6:30 am. It had been ringing for over an hour before Gladys finally heard it's tune from sleepland far far away. She sat up feeling super guilty...again . From the soft early morning lights filtering in through her window she knew she had missed another devotion time.
After  yesterdays sundays service and all the talk about the christian devotion she had decided to try once again to wake up early to pray . She had done all the pastor had suggested...well nearly all. The sleeping early part didn't work because she needed to watch that rave soap on Telemundo.

'Wow' her mind wandered off, ' that Alejandro can kiss for the whole of Mexico' her heart raced as she imagined the warmth of the kiss on her own lips .
'And those eyes...oh my Lord!...I can drown in those eyes'.
She checked the time
' Whaaaat! What da... 7:15 am already'
Her neighbour's car started almost immediately as if to confirm her thoughts. Mr. Adiele always started warming his car by 7:15 to leave for work by 7:30 . She could set her clock with his routine.
She rushed into bathroom, muttering 'Onise iyanu' under her breath as she brushed her teeth.
She was ready in 25 minutes . She would have to do her make up in the office or in the bus if there was enough traffic jam.
She left the room, made sure the door was properly locked up and threw the keys into her hand bag. Her bible in the bag flashed as she zipped up her bag. Another wave of guilt hit her. She had promised herself yesterday to read at least 2 chapters every morning.
'I'll read my bible in the bus, instead of doing my makeup' she says to herself.
 As soon as she had pacified her guilt, thoughts of Alejandro filled her mind once again and washed away the residue like a wave. 'Imagine Maria forming for correct fine guy...stupid girl' she loved the way thinking about Alejandro made her feel.

As soon as she entered the bus  she switched on her data and the notification alarms for all her social media apps started beeping like mad. Within seconds she was completely lost in the world of Facebook, whatsapp and instagram.

To Be Continued!


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