The man walked purposefully into the grandfather clock shaped structure made of wood (I'll call it THE SHED). Although it stood in enigmatic isolation on a sandy plain there was something more to it...the manifest presence of Elohim was on it. The man stepped into the tight space, knelt down and in a second the presence of God wrapped round Him like a warm soothing blanket. He closed his eyes and was immediately transported into the realm where glory, love and light intertwine in a celestial dance. I saw him walk in and out day after day in divine obsession. But soon something changed. A tiny dot of something that clouded the crystal clear water in the well of His Koinonia with Elohim. It was oh so subtle and its entry so perfectly silent he did not know the when or the how or the why. It was no longer about Elohim, it was now about THE SHED. And in the speed of light, the very moment it became about THE SHED I saw the presence of Elohim lift like a veil made of glitt...